Georgia Clay Band Page

While you’re here, we ask that you please take a moment to check out some of the brief information below regarding Georgia Clay. They are a great band to have on our site, and we are proud to have them listed! 

Minnesota based country rock band, Georgia Clay, takes pride in playing your favorite current and classic country and classic rock tunes at every show.

The fiery frontwoman, Tammy, will serenade you with a Martina McBride ballad one moment and have you rocking out to AC/DC the next. This small 5-foot package has a 10-foot voice and she never stops moving. She jokes, “I’m wireless! If you look left, I’ll be on your right singing along with your whole table or line dancing on the floor with you!”

Though Tammy’s stage presence seems never-ending, she is equally matched by bassist/vocalist Mark, whose smile and groove is infectious. “Mark is the life of the party. We all love that guy!” says Matt, lead guitarist and vocalist of Georgia Clay. Mark is the jokester of this group and his fun-loving nature is always present on stage. Combine that with his level of talent and experience and you find the best bass player in the area.

The group’s lead guitarist and background vocalist, Matt, brings a different edge to the group. Matt’s meticulously crafted solos are reproduced so well you’ll think you’re listening to the original recording. Matt joins Georgia Clay with a Bachelor’s Degree in guitar performance from McNally Smith and he acts as the band’s musical director.

“All those mash-ups and medleys we do that people love… yeah that’s Matt’s work!” says Bruce, Georgia Clay’s drummer. You won’t find a more animated, dynamic, and involved drummer in town. Bruce is often caught standing while drumming, playing a double-kick drum, and evening singing along. “I love being in a band where the drummer is just as entertaining to watch as the rest of us!” says Tammy.

This group combines years of experience with professionally trained hands and a passion for country music to deliver an energetic show every time they step onto the stage. Go check them out next time the tour passes through Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar and Grill in Minneapolis or Rollie’s Rednecks and Longnecks in Sauk Rapids. You won’t be disappointed!

We at couldn’t be happier to have added another great band to be listed on our site!  We hope you go check out a show soon!  If you do make it out to a show, please let us know how it was on Facebook, or Twitter

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